Church Stories

The Essentials

Written by: Julia Smolucha

By The Reverend Dr. Jo Forrest

These past weeks, the word “essential” has taken on new meaning—government officials and those who seek to preserve our lives have defined it for this time and place.

I imagine you’ve debated everything from what is essential to keep in the ‘fridge to when you can venture out of the house.

At church we’ve turned essential over and over to respect what is asked of us by the state and our Christian faith.

We gather in Mid-day prayers and divine worship, online.

Youth groups, Adult Ed, and Children’s Ministry continue to inspire.

Congregational Care, and Stephen Ministers in particular, are touching the souls of those most anxious.

Members of the Board of Trustees pulled out their directories and have been calling and writing and emailing to keep us connected. These are essential ways of being church.

What is essential today?

Bequeathing a legacy to the next generation in the way we love our neighbor, with a smile and eye contact, and by staying home.

Humble ourselves with the awareness of the work of scientists, and doctors and nurses, hospital janitors and cooks, matter more than celebrities.

We form resilience by walking through these dark valleys, confident that God holds us.

May Paul’s prayer for a church in Ephesus speak for us today.

For this reason, I bow my knees before God,
From whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name.
I pray that God will strengthen your inner being
Through the power of the spirit and
That Christ will dwell in your hearts through faith
As you are being rooted and grounded in love.

What is essential?  For you to know that your life flourishes, as are rooted and grounded in God’s love.

Let’s stay connected, friends.