Kenilworth Union Church is a nondenominational church.

While we are not a church that subscribes to a particular set of creeds or confessions, we do share in the theological tradition of Protestant faith.

Theology of Kenilworth Union Church:

  • God is active in the world and in each of our lives. We believe in the living God who creates and sustains us and all life by God’s power and God’s love.
  • By God’s grace, we are loved, forgiven and strengthened to respond to God’s call on our life to live by the great commandment: “To love God with our whole heart, mind, and soul, and our neighbors as ourselves.”
  • In the person of Jesus Christ we know what God is like and who we are to be like. The same Holy Spirit that empowered and guided Jesus in his ministry and teaching, continues to be present among us, encouraging us to work for peace, justice, and reconciliation in our broken world.
  • The Bible is the Word of God (not words of God) written by different people influenced by their particular time, place, and culture. This sacred book is a collection of diverse voices that tell of the experience of God. The Bible is a record of faith, a source of values, a witness to the person and power of Jesus Christ. It contains enduring truths that remain relevant today.
  • All of us are on a faith journey that continues throughout our lives. Through scripture, study, prayer, and worship our journey finds its focus in the teachings and example of Jesus. In the community of the church, we share both our understandings and our questions as we seek to grow deeper in faith.
  • In response to the gift of God’s loving kindness, we have a responsibility to live out what we say we believe…in our homes, in our workplaces, in how we treat others, in sharing what we have, in the ethics we practice, and in the priorities we hold and live by.