Music Ministry

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Music Ministry2020-08-13T15:57:55-05:00

The mission of the music program at Kenilworth Union Church is to inspire and enhance meaningful worship of God through the study and performance of outstanding sacred music.

Ensembles feature the talent of church members from as young as five-years-old to seniors. We offer a wide range of music of different styles and periods, from Classical Baroque to Gospel. We frequently have instrumental music accompanying our choral works, including full orchestra for some of our Special Music Sundays.


There are numerous ways that you can volunteer to help our choirs. Please browse the needs listed below and email Lisa Bond to volunteer or for more detail.

  • Music Library and Music Folder Assistance: Organize, file, and distribute music.
  • Robes: Assist in organizing and assigning robes.
  • Data Entry: Assist in entering new music into the database
Youth Choir Volunteer Needs
  • Chaperone Performances for Worship: Assist choir while changing robes and forming the processional. Serve snack.
  • Chaperone Off Site Events: Help supervise performances or lunches.
  • Snacks: Provide snack or beverages for children’s choir the day of performance.
  • Robes: Assist in washing, organizing, and assigning robes.

In 2003, Kenilworth Union Church made a significant investment to purchase a beautiful organ built by Dobson Pipe Organ Builders, which has enhanced both the sound of the sacred music that fills our church and the beauty of our sanctuary.