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IMPACT Mission Trip News

Squire Prince, Director of Youth Ministry 66 High Schoolers! 7 College Leaders! 8 Adult Leaders! 6 churches! With over 2,000+ hours of collective service! I couldn’t be more grateful for the IMPACT Mission team for the wonderful service that occurred on this year’s mission trip. Not even an insufferable heat wave could [...]

Senior Sermon: Tyler Hurley

Kenilworth Union has been a big part of my life as well as my family’s, with one of my first big memories receiving my bible in 3rd grade. I continued in the youth program, attending youth groups on Wednesday nights and going on the wilderness trip to complete my confirmation journey. My family has [...]

2023-05-11T06:02:23-05:00Church Stories, Sermon, Youth Ministry|

Senior Sermon: Freddy Groff

When thinking about what to write for my sermon, I started reflecting on all the time I've spent at this wonderful church. It started off for me before I was even born. In my mother’s belly I was already working shifts in the treasures room during rummage. I grew up going to A Joyful [...]

2023-05-29T07:31:43-05:00Church Stories, Sermon, Youth Ministry|

Senior Sermon: Andy Crossgrove

Hi, if I seem a little nervous it’s because I wrote this whole thing this morning. I’m kidding, I worked very hard this. My name is Andrew and today I’d like to talk a little bit about my faith journey and how the community here, Kenilworth Union Church has helped me along my path. [...]

2023-05-29T09:48:23-05:00Church Stories, Sermon, Youth Ministry|

Senior Sermon: Nora Zelazny

I wanted to talk today quickly about suffering. I promise this is going somewhere so bear with me. Life is chock full of suffering and unexplainable things. There is no doubt a scale of suffering but still every human experiences some form of it. Many times there’s no reason behind it. It can be [...]

2023-05-18T09:39:21-05:00Church Stories, Worship, Youth Ministry|