The Reverend Dr. Katie Snipes Lancaster

Hand written letters are the embodiment of joy: personal, tangible, delightful. Toss the junk mail, but before you’ve even left the mailbox, open the one with your address lovingly scribbled on the front. The Letter to the Philippians is just that: treasured news from a far off friend, opened in anticipation. Throughout, the letter writer, Paul speaks effusively of joy.

After reading two short books of the Hebrew Bible (Ruth and Jonah) this summer, we look forward to reading this short epistle from the first century, and unfolding together what it might mean for our lives today in 2023. With the theme of “Joy Anyway” Christine Hides and I will preach a late summer sermon series on the letter to the Philippians that will consider what it means to foster joy (not superficial “don’t worry be happy” but something bone deep) even amid the challenges, worries, disappointments, surprises, and troubles of life (Paul did write this letter from prison, don’t forget, his is “joy anyway” within the confines of persecution).

Maybe this reminds you of the friend who has gone through their fair share of hardship, but who wears a smile anyway. Maybe you are that friend. Maybe it reminds you of the friend who might need a dose of joy and comfort after a season of challenge. Invite a friend and join us.

Joy Anyway

A late summer sermon series on Paul’s letter to the Philippians

Date Scripture Title
July 30 Philippians 1:3–10 I: Praying with Joy
August 6 Philippians 1:19–26 II: Complicated Joy
August 13 Philippians 2:1–5 III: Complete Joy
August 20 Philippians 2:12–18 IV: Joy at Work
August 27 Philippians 4:4–9 V: Again we say rejoice
September 3 Philippians 4:10–13 VI: Rejoice in the Lord