“Why Christianity Must Change or Die”

HomeAdult Education“Why Christianity Must Change or Die”

“Why Christianity Must Change or Die”

Written by: Julia Smolucha

Skeptics & Believers III

Third Mondays, June 19, September 18, October 16, and November 20—7 p.m. in the Culbertson Room

Thanks to those of you who helped us pool our collective wisdom about the future church at our final meeting on May 15 to discuss Why Christianity Must Change or Die. We dispatched a fairly dense and multi-faceted dissertation in four efficient sessions and we discover that many of us want to go on together, so next we will take on Karen Armstrong’s The Case for God.  Here is the schedule for the rest of 2023.  As you can see, we’ll take July and August off.  Reservations are appreciated, so Karen Gaynor will send you a message every month to find out who can participate in that respective month.

The book was published in 2009 and is still in print in every format I can think of, so please procure your own copy.

Thanks for joining me in thinking seriously about God! Bill Evertsberg

The Case for God, Karen Armstrong
Knopf, 2009
Culbertson Room, 7 p.m. Third Mondays

Date Section Pages
June 19 Introduction
Chapters 1–3: Homo Religiosus, God, Reason
September 18 Chapters 4–6: Faith, Silence, Reason and Faith 77–158
October 16 Chapters 7–9: Science & Religion, Scientific Religion, Enlightenment 161–234
November 20 Chapters 10–12: Atheism, Unknowing, Death of God?